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Russia, Iran, China to hold joint naval exercise in Indian Ocean VOV correspondent in Russia -   Monday, March 10, 2025 | 9:39:49 -The Russian, Iranian and Chinese navies will hold a joint exercise in the Indian Ocean this week to boost regional security and multilateral military cooperation, the Russian Foreign Ministry said on Sunday. The exercise will begin on Tuesday in the Iranian port of Chabahar and the northern waters of the Indian Ocean, involving warships and support vessels from Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, the Russian Navy and the Chinese Navy. The joint military drill’s main objective is to strengthen maritime security, improve coordination between naval forces and promote strategic cooperation between the three countries. Previously, Russia, Iran and China conducted similar naval exercises in 2019, 2022, 2023 and 2024. Tag、VOV VOVworld Russia Iran China to hold joint naval exercise Indian Ocean Feedback、Submit、var commentCount=0; var currentPage=$.attr; $.show;、jQuery.ajax { console.log; $.append;、$.attr + 1); var countshow = parseInt * 5; if{、$.css;、}、$.animate({、//scrollTop: $.offset.top }, 1000);、$.hide;、}});、}、Others 50 years of Duc Lap victory, precursor to Central Highlands campaign triumph Party chief attends concert on 70 years of diplomatic ties with Indonesia, visits Vietnam embassy PM urges completion of major infrastructure projects by year end 2025 Buon Ma Thuot Coffee Festival opensVOV correspondent in Russia
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